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The lab publishes interdisciplinary work in peer-reviewed journals and conference proceedings. Our publications include empirical experiments, methodological innovations, review papers, and book chapters.
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Ossmy, O., Han, D., Cheng, M., Bianco, C., Kaplan, B., Adolph, K.E. (in revision). “Where” and “how”: Developmental processes in exploring solutions to problems with hidden demands. Preprint:
Ossmy, O., Mukamel, R. (in revision). Defining functional brain networks using unsupervised density-peak clustering. Preprint:
Ghilardi, T., Ossmy, O. (under review). A Pupil-Dilation Technique to Test Developmental Differences in Visual Synchrony During Free Viewing. Preprint:
Grandchamp Des Raux, H., Ghilardi, T., Ossmy, O. (under review). The effects of rewards on trial-and-error learning in school-aged children. Preprint:
Cheng, M., Han, D., Haq, M., Ossmy, O. (under review). Physical cognition in altered gravity: Link between sensorimotor and cognitive adaptability. Preprint:
Hancock, L., Ossmy, O., (under review). Using data-driven approach to test the link between physical activity and cognitive skills during aging. Preprint:
Peleg, N., Mcauley, H., Ossmy, O. (under review). Better together: Classroom-based social intervention for spatial skills. Preprint:
Masek, L., Suarez-Rivera, C., Ossmy, O., Tamis-Lemonda, C. (under review). The temporal distribution of speech to infants highlights connections among words.
Golmakani, S., Kaplan, B., Adolph, K. E., Ossmy, O. (accepted). Children plan manual actions similarly in directed tasks and in free play. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology.
Muszynska, M., Ossmy, O. (accepted). The BlockQuest game: Digital behavioral phenotyping of ADHD using embodied serious game in virtual reality. In Joint International Conference on Serious Games. Cham: Springer International Publishing.
Hascher, S., Ossmy, O., Pontes, H. (accepted). The Application of Serious Games in Virtual Reality as Intervention for Sugar Addiction. In Joint International Conference on Serious Games. Cham: Springer International Publishing.
Ossmy, O., Han, D., MacAlpine, P., Hoch, J., Stone, P., Adolph, K. E. (2024). Walking and falling: using robot simulations to model the role of errors in infant walking. Developmental Science, e13449.
​Grandchamp des Raux, H., Ghilardi, T., Soderberg, C., Ossmy, O. (2024). The role of action concepts in physical reasoning: insights from late childhood. Philosophical Transactions B, 379(1911), 20230154.
Cherry, L., Soderberg, C., Haetter, J., Ossmy, O. (2024). Extended reality in STEM: A modernised educational tool for children. Journal of Human Centered Technology, 3(2), 10-20.
Cherry, L., Cheng, M., Ghilardi, T., Ossmy, O. (2024). Automatic real-time hand tracking enhances adolescents' spatial skills by eliminating haptic feedback. In IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning (ICDL), pp. 1-6.
Krishna, A., Kaplan, B. E., Pope, J., Todorovic, S., Adolph, K. E., Ossmy, O. (2024). A computer-vision approach for testing developmental changes in object manipulation. In IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning (ICDL), pp. 1-6.
Han, D., Aziere, N., Ossmy, O., Wang, T., Krishna, A., Shen, R., Wang, H., Todorovic, S., Adolph, K.E. (2024). Infants’ developing environment: Integration of computer vision and human annotation to quantify where infants go, what they touch, and what they see. In IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning (ICDL), pp. 1-8. * best paper award
Hascher, S., Shuster, A., Mukamel, R., Ossmy, O. (2023). The power of multivariate patterns in identifying EEG correlates of interlimb coupling. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 17.
Dexter, M., Ossmy, O. (2023). The effects of typical ageing on cognitive control: recent advances and future directions. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 15.
Ossmy, O., Kaplan, B., Han, D., Xu, M., Mukamel, R., Adolph, K.E. (2022). Real-time processes in the development of action planning. Current Biology, 32, 1–10.
Ossmy, O., Mansano, L., Frenkel-Toledo, S., Kagan, E., Koren, S., Gilron, R., Reznik, D., Soroker, N., Mukamel, R. (2022). Motor learning in Hemi-Parkinson using VR-manipulated sensory feedback. Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology, 1-13
Shuster, A., Inzelberg, L., Ossmy, O., Izakson, L., Hanein, Y., Levy, D. (2021). Lie to my face: An electromyography approach to deceptive behavior. Brain and Behavior, e2386
Ossmy, O., Han, D., Kaplan, B., Xu, M., Bianco, C., Mukamel, R., Adolph, K.E. (2021). Children do not distinguish efficient from inefficient actions during observation. Scientific Reports, 11(1), 1-13.
Le, H., Hoch, J., Ossmy, O., Adolph, K., Fern, X., Fern, A. (2021). Modeling infant free play behavior using hidden markov models. In IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning (ICDL), pp. 1-6
Hoch, J.*, Ossmy, O.*, Hasan, S., Cole, W., Adolph, K.E. (2021). “Dancing” together: Infant-mother locomotor synchrony. Child Development, 92(4), 1337-1353. *joint first authorship
Ossmy, O., Adolph, K.E. (2020). Real-time assembly of coordination patterns in human infants. Current Biology, 30, 1-10
Lakertz, Y.*, Ossmy, O.*, Friedmann, N., Mukamel, R., Fried, I. (2021). Single-cell activity in human STG during perception of phonemes is organized according to manner of articulation. NeuroImage, 226, 117499. *joint first authorship
Ossmy, O., Han, D., Cheng, M., Kaplan, B., Adolph, K.E. (2020). Look before you fit: Real-time planning cascade in children and adults. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 189, 104696
Ossmy, O., Mansano, L., Frenkel-Toledo, S., Kagan, E., Koren, S., Gilron, R., Reznik, D., Soroker, N., Mukamel, R. (2020). Motor learning by cross education in Hemi-Parkinson’s disease: Case study of the effects of virtual mirrored sensory feedback. International Conference on Virtual Rehabilitation (ICVR), pp. 1-9
Adolph, K. E., Hoch, J. E., & Ossmy, O. (2020). James Gibson’s ecological approach to locomotion and manipulation: Development and changing affordances. In J. Wagman & J. Blau (Eds.). Perception as information detection: Reflections on Gibson’s ecological approach to visual perception. New York: Taylor & Francis, pp. 248-266
Ossmy, O., Gilmore, R. O., & Adolph, K. E (2019). AutoViDev: A computer-vision framework to enhance and accelerate research in human development. In K. Arai & S. Kapoor (Eds.), Advances in computer vision: CVC 2019. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 944. Springer.
Karasik, L., Tamis-LeMonda, C.S., Ossmy, O., Adolph, K.E. (2018). The ties that bind: Cradling in Tajikistan. Plos One, 13:e0204428
Ossmy, O., Hoch, J., MacAlpine, P., Hasan, S., Stone, P., Adolph, K.E. (2018). Variety wins: Soccer-playing robots and infant walking. Frontiers in Neuro-robotics, 12:19
Ossmy, O., Mukamel, R. (2018). Perception as a route for transfer of motor knowledge: Perspectives from human neuroscience. Neuroscience, 382:144-153
Aridan N.*, Ossmy, O.*, Mukamel, R. (2018). EEG mu wave suppression during action observation corresponds with subsequent individual changes in execution. Brain Research, 1691:55-63. *joint first authorship
Ossmy, O., Mukamel, R. (2017). Behavioral and neural effects of congruency of visual feedback during short-term motor learning. NeuroImage, 172:864-873
Ossmy, O., Mukamel, R. (2017). Using virtual reality to transfer motor skill knowledge from one hand to another. Journal of Visualized Experiments: JoVE, (127)
Ossmy, O., Mukamel, R. (2017). Short term motor-skill acquisition improves with size of self-controlled virtual hands. PloS One, 12(1), e0168520
Ossmy, O., Mukamel, R. (2016). Neural network underlying intermanual skill transfer in humans. Cell Reports, 17:2891-2900
Ossmy, O., Mukamel, R. (2016). Activity in superior parietal cortex during training by observation predicts asymmetric learning levels across hands. Scientific Reports, 6:32133
Ossmy, O., Fried, I., Mukamel, R. (2015). Decoding speech perception from single cell activity in humans. NeuroImage, 117:151-159
Reznik, D., Ossmy, O., Mukamel, R. (2015). Enhanced auditory evoked activity to self-generated sounds is mediated by primary and supplementary motor cortices. The Journal of Neuroscience, 35:2173-2180
Ossmy, O., Ben-Shachar, M., Mukamel, R. (2014). Decoding letter position in word reading. Cortex, 59:74-83
Ossmy, O., Moran, R., Pfeffer, T., Tsetsos, K., Usher, M., & Donner, T. H. (2013). The timescale of perceptual evidence integration can be adapted to the environment. Current Biology, 23:981-986
Ossmy, O., Tam, O., Puzis, R., Rokach, L., Inbar, O., & Elovici, Y. (2011). MindDesktop - computer accessibility for severely handicapped. ICEIS. 316-320
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